bare beauty bits - face oil edition

Tis the season when you cannot get enough moisture into the skin. we thought we’d be of some hydration help with this month’s 7 bare essential face oils. from Ogee, Eve Lom, Sunday Riley, Drunk Elephant, May Lindstrom Skin, Retrouve, and Vintners Daughter. bare tip: seal in a heavier cream by patting in a bit of face oil on top for protection as a barrier from dryness and cold temps. in addition to what you put on the skin be sure to drink some H20 whenever possible and happy holidays! sending #barelove to you and yours. xo

EVE LOM Renewal Treatment Oil

OGEE Jojoba Glow Face Oil

RETROUVE Balancing Face Oil

DRUNK ELEPHANT Luxury Facial Oil

VINTNERS DAUGHTER Active Botanical Serum 10 year anniversary bottle

MAY LINDSTROM SKIN the blue cocoon solid oil facial concentrate

SUNDAY RILEY Sleeping Night Oil

Founder & Editor in Chief - The Bare Magazine